Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Troogleblog counter-tweetering apparent "false" Tweets about Google?

OK, I am blogging about Google today because I am curious about a few Tweets from Troogleblog who just created a Twitter account. I don't usually comment much about Google other than I like a few of their products like Google, GMail, YouTube and oh yea, Blogger.

I noticed this on Twitter: apparently from what little I can tell at best Google created @Troogleblog user so that people on twitter don't report tweet what they assert are reports about Google and its products.

These were the Tweets from Troogleblog from 6/16/09 that made me wonder:

@s0tet RT @flyinghamster: Tomorrow secret Google CEO in attendance @Bildenberg Hotel http://tinyurl.com/msqoy5 -#Troogle #Dasient #blacklist

"Former Google Employees Launch Web Malware Startup" http://bit.ly/HbxKl Web Anti-#Malware #Dasient #blacklist #Troogle

Apparently this article in Informationweek doesn't suit User Troogleblog: Former Google Employees Launch Web Malware Startup. Not sure if that is the case or not, since Troogleblog also retweeted what Twitter user @flyinghamster reported earlier in the day on June 16th, 2009.

Because in the second link, it redirects to this Wordpress entry: Google CEO In Attendance At Bilderberg 2009?

I went to LinkedIN and looked up the 3 fellows mentioned in this article. Only Ameet Ranadive was not an employee of Google, but the other 2 fellows were, so Google takes issue with that perhaps? Shrug, curious, but that is the only thing I can think of.

I think my tin foil hat got too damp and I have to throw it away. I wonder if someone could fill in the blanks for me, a non-Google employee.

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

I was supposed to post here

will add something here later.