Fighting Online Fraud - Phishing
With stories like this one in the news ( Million-PC botnet threatens consumers), there is always a higher demand for people out there to help fight online fraud, such as working to bring down these terrible phishing scams which are defrauding internet users of multi-millions every day world wide. ( What is a phish?) - PhishTank provides a good answer.I posted about phishing scams here earlier in the year on this blog, but the issue definitely needs more attention. The problem of phishing scams is getting worse not better in the last several months according to organizations which track phishing activity. My older link provides lots of useful links on learning more about phishing.
There are online message boards where you can read about fighting fraud first if you are inclined to find out more before getting your feet wet. Castlecops offers: Phishing, Fraud and Dastardly Deeds.
Check out as well: simply find the forum by: Forums » Up and Running » Security » Spam, Scam and Phish Busters
Use a lot of caution!
If you want to view live phishing sites, please use browser protection, such as Sandboxie, as some phishing sites harbor malicious files. At Castlecops there is an excellent tutorial on securing your PC Make your own System Security Suite for Free!
So if you are somewhat technical (and willing to learn more) and can commit 5 or 10 hours a week and you want to fight online crome, please step up and help Castlecops fight phishers.